Monday, January 23, 2012

It wasn't built in a day...

Roma...una citta bellissima! If my Italian is on track it means "a beautiful city." Kate, Kyle, Jeff and I spent this past weekend in Italy's capital. Kate, as you know is my neighbor. Kyle is the Lower School PE teacher and her husband, Jeff, teaches English in the Upper School.

They say Rome wasn't built in a day, and you certainly can't see all it has to offer in that amount of time either, but we did our best to take in several of the most famous sites. We were only briefly detained by yet another strike amongst transportation workers, this time the taxi drivers. We had arrived at the airport late Friday night, truly Saturday morning, and had missed any buses into the city. Taxis were nowhere to be found. We made several phone calls, and think several of "our"cabs arrived, only to be snagged by other desperate victims of the strike. Thankfully, we were staying in a fancy, schmancy hotel, courtesy of my sister's Starwood discount, and I doubt they would be compelled to leave guests of theirs sitting in the parking lot of the local airport. I spoke with the concierge, who politely told me that although there was a strike, he would see what he could do. A few minutes later, he called back to say that a cab was on its way. By this time, it was about 1:30 in the morning and we were starting to wonder what a night in Ciampino's parking lot might look like. I'm glad I didn't have to find out.

Saturday morning we ventured out and headed down the Spanish steps and over to the Vatican Museum and St. Peter's Basilica. It is interesting to note that you do see quite a few religious individuals mulling about...priests, nuns, etc. Perhaps they, too, are hoping for an audience with the Pope.
Me, on the Spanish steps

The Vatican Museum is monstrous. I had no idea it would be so large and that every surface in the building is in its own right a work of art. Every floor, every ceiling, every surface seems decorated to the fullest capacity. I loved the ceilings, so much geometry. Perhaps the next time I get to paint my own place I can do the ceiling too. Just call me the next Michelangelo!

One of the ceilings in the Vatican Museum

My only complaint about the Vatican Museum was that they allow photos to be taken. While this allows you to take some great shots, it is a hassle maneuvering around cameras at every turn. The only room you can't take pictures in is the Sistine Chapel, but security is so lax everywhere else they seem to have a hard time enforcing the rules. Here is how hard the security guard was working in the Octagonal Garden.

Hey buddy- don't forget to text your wife you'll be home in time for dinner.
Anyways, the museum is really something else and the Sistine Chapel was made even better by the free audio guide you can download from Rick Steves. So nice if you're traveling in Europe-- put that expensive iPod to good use. After lunch, Kate and I headed to St. Peter's Basilica. Once again, you can take pictures inside, which I find a little strange for a church, but if the Pope says it's okay, who am I to argue. The church is really huge and once again I was so thankful for the audio guide that pointed out all the interesting details about the interior...and how everything was made to make it feel smaller than it really is. While we were there mass was getting ready to start. If we had more time on our hands, I would have been inclined to stay. I'm sure mass there, in Italian, would be quite the experience. There's always next time. (See, don't you all want to come work in Europe?)

Outside in St. Peter's square, the Pope (or his many assistants) like to leave the light on in his study to make you feel like you're only an arm's reach away from him when you visit.
They say the top floor, far right window is the Pope's bedroom
and the next windows belong to his study.
Sunday morning we headed out for a quick jaunt to the Colosseum. I found the outside rather impressive. The inside excited me less, but perhaps a date with Russell Crowe as "The Gladiator" would change my opinion. We'll see. However, the trip to this historic site was capped off by a gypsy teenager playing an accordian on the metro. Only in Italy, I say, only in Italy. 

Nancy, look at all the famous places
your cowl has been!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Trying a new site...

Many of you may have tried Animoto before. It is a simple video making website. The free version allows you to create 30 second videos using their templates and designs. Here is my first attempt using some of the pictures from my trip to Munich in December!

Make your own slideshow with music at Animoto.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

3 A, 3 AM...Eternal

While my body is back in Milan, my mind is certainly stuck in the East Coast, time zone that is.

It took three rather uneventful flights to get from Jacksonville to Milan, and while uneventful is good any time you are in a large object hanging over the ocean there were certainly some interesting points to take note of along the way. First, on the flight from Charlotte to Frankfurt an Italian family sat down in the middle four seats, parents and two small girls. Cute as ever, those little girls. I'm sure one day they'll be embarrassed to discover that mom just dropped their pants in the middle of the airplane to put them in something more comfortable. No big deal, you say, they're little! You're right. Whatever. Oh, but then mom changed right there in her seat too. Thank goodness a blanket was on hand. Next, an American guy in his late 50's sat in the window seat next to me. He sure liked to talk and if anybody has plans to recreate Ocean's 11 and needs a safe cracker, I think I know just the man for you. Lastly, I was semi unconscious by the time I got on the last flight to Milan. I have to be one of the worst sleepers in the world and I slept through most of the flight, except for when they started serving a snack. Of course, you wake up for the food, right? However, I was quickly nauseous as I looked around at a cold pile of mashed potatoes with relish (?) mixed in with a small hot dog/sausage thing and a sweet pickle on top. Scoop it all up with the breadsticks that were included. No thank you. The guy across the aisle ate two. I wanted to vomit just smelling it.

But, luckily I was able to avoid the airplane lavatory and deplaned in Milan. With a hundred pounds of baggage to claim and two carry-ons I was a bit concerned that my "this won't be a problem" attitude would result in a major problem once I was left to manage all the bags on my own. However, I found a cart and wheeled all the baggage and bought a train ticket into the city, so I only had to wheel the bags down a escalator ramp, on and off the train and to a waiting taxi. Twenty one Euros later and I had made it home- very thankful that bringing all my junk back worked out okay.

See all those square utility totes?
Now my shoes, scarves, hats and
 gloves are all nicely organized!
It was like Christmas unpacking it all! I had forgotten what was even in the first bag, since I packed it a few days after Christmas. The entire bottom half was filled with all my thirty-one organizers which probably provided Lori Brown with a very nice holiday season, reaping the benefits off my gigantic purchase! You too can have a well organized closet if you buy six of every item in their catalog!!

After arriving home yesterday I went straight to the grocery store and then unpacked most of my stuff. In hopes of getting back on Milan time, I knew that a nap was not a good idea, so I worked on putting some things away and then had a well deserved glass of Prosecco while chatting with Kate. By 8:00, I was in bed and totally passed out. Of course, one shouldn't expect things to be easy, so naturally I was up at midnight watching NCIS and finishing watching Moneyball, which I had started on the plane, and finished the book I had been reading. At 2 am, I chatted with Becky, who's 8 hours ahead in Okinawa. So, at least my lack of sleep was productive. While awake, I couldn't help but think about the KLF song, 3 AM Eternal from back in the day and praying that I would fall asleep again. Thankfully, at 5:30 I did fall back asleep and slept until 10:30. I made myself get up, knowing full well that I had to try to get on the right time schedule!!

And now, I'm writing this post in an effort to STAY AWAKE just a little longer! Back to work in the morning, so I don't have the luxury of sleeping to all hours if I can't sleep overnight. And, given the crazy noises seemingly coming from the roof of my apartment building, who knows how much sleep is possible. It sounds like a group of construction workers are hammering away on top of our heads!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Home. Sweet. Home.

It is so nice to be home and enjoy all the luxuries that life in the US has to offer. Being able to ask someone a question or respond to someone in the grocery store is something I took for granted before and now have a definite appreciation for how hard it is when you don't speak the language of the country you live in. Many of you know I don't mind speaking up when something doesn't sit right with me, and it has been nice to be able to express my thoughts when I want my friends can attest from our dinner at Jazz'd last week.

Christmas was really great and the fact that my Amazon Wish List was almost completely covered is amazing! Time to add more ideas to the list I suppose! I have stocked up on my Banana Republic clothing collection and am now fully prepared to travel to Paris and London in 2012-- thanks, Rick Steves!
Rick Steves' London 2012Rick Steves' Paris 2012

Anyone care to join me? I. am. not. kidding. Save your pennies people!

Since being home, I've enjoyed spending time with my adorable Ruby, even though I'm clearly second in line for her affection. My mom, of course, being 1st! I know I will miss her when I head back to Milan later this week, but leaving her in Savannah is the right thing to do. She is happy here and doesn't have to spend time alone like she would if I brought her with me to Italy.

Sweet lil' Ruby

But, soon enough, back to reality I must go. I head out Friday and get back to Italy on Saturday...just enough time for the time change to be a killer once I head to work on Monday morning. Here's hoping going forward with the time zone difference is easier than it was going backwards!

I did acquire a Kindle over the holidays and am looking for your book recommendations. I tend to read in spurts, and those spurts occur more often if what I am reading is good! I keep a list of what I've read on Shelfari and I like that they track how many books you read in the course of a year. You can see what I've been reading on the side of this blog, but I'd love to hear your suggestions. Often, I like fluffy books that require no real thinking while reading, but have found an interest in fiction that focuses on different ethnicities and cultures. Suggestions? If you comment on my blog page with a book suggestion, I'll send you a postcard  from an upcoming destination. Just be sure to comment using your name and message me your address through Facebook or if I don't already have it!

Wishing everyone a happy and healthy 2012!!

Monday, January 23, 2012

It wasn't built in a day...

Roma...una citta bellissima! If my Italian is on track it means "a beautiful city." Kate, Kyle, Jeff and I spent this past weekend in Italy's capital. Kate, as you know is my neighbor. Kyle is the Lower School PE teacher and her husband, Jeff, teaches English in the Upper School.

They say Rome wasn't built in a day, and you certainly can't see all it has to offer in that amount of time either, but we did our best to take in several of the most famous sites. We were only briefly detained by yet another strike amongst transportation workers, this time the taxi drivers. We had arrived at the airport late Friday night, truly Saturday morning, and had missed any buses into the city. Taxis were nowhere to be found. We made several phone calls, and think several of "our"cabs arrived, only to be snagged by other desperate victims of the strike. Thankfully, we were staying in a fancy, schmancy hotel, courtesy of my sister's Starwood discount, and I doubt they would be compelled to leave guests of theirs sitting in the parking lot of the local airport. I spoke with the concierge, who politely told me that although there was a strike, he would see what he could do. A few minutes later, he called back to say that a cab was on its way. By this time, it was about 1:30 in the morning and we were starting to wonder what a night in Ciampino's parking lot might look like. I'm glad I didn't have to find out.

Saturday morning we ventured out and headed down the Spanish steps and over to the Vatican Museum and St. Peter's Basilica. It is interesting to note that you do see quite a few religious individuals mulling about...priests, nuns, etc. Perhaps they, too, are hoping for an audience with the Pope.
Me, on the Spanish steps

The Vatican Museum is monstrous. I had no idea it would be so large and that every surface in the building is in its own right a work of art. Every floor, every ceiling, every surface seems decorated to the fullest capacity. I loved the ceilings, so much geometry. Perhaps the next time I get to paint my own place I can do the ceiling too. Just call me the next Michelangelo!

One of the ceilings in the Vatican Museum

My only complaint about the Vatican Museum was that they allow photos to be taken. While this allows you to take some great shots, it is a hassle maneuvering around cameras at every turn. The only room you can't take pictures in is the Sistine Chapel, but security is so lax everywhere else they seem to have a hard time enforcing the rules. Here is how hard the security guard was working in the Octagonal Garden.

Hey buddy- don't forget to text your wife you'll be home in time for dinner.
Anyways, the museum is really something else and the Sistine Chapel was made even better by the free audio guide you can download from Rick Steves. So nice if you're traveling in Europe-- put that expensive iPod to good use. After lunch, Kate and I headed to St. Peter's Basilica. Once again, you can take pictures inside, which I find a little strange for a church, but if the Pope says it's okay, who am I to argue. The church is really huge and once again I was so thankful for the audio guide that pointed out all the interesting details about the interior...and how everything was made to make it feel smaller than it really is. While we were there mass was getting ready to start. If we had more time on our hands, I would have been inclined to stay. I'm sure mass there, in Italian, would be quite the experience. There's always next time. (See, don't you all want to come work in Europe?)

Outside in St. Peter's square, the Pope (or his many assistants) like to leave the light on in his study to make you feel like you're only an arm's reach away from him when you visit.
They say the top floor, far right window is the Pope's bedroom
and the next windows belong to his study.
Sunday morning we headed out for a quick jaunt to the Colosseum. I found the outside rather impressive. The inside excited me less, but perhaps a date with Russell Crowe as "The Gladiator" would change my opinion. We'll see. However, the trip to this historic site was capped off by a gypsy teenager playing an accordian on the metro. Only in Italy, I say, only in Italy. 

Nancy, look at all the famous places
your cowl has been!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Trying a new site...

Many of you may have tried Animoto before. It is a simple video making website. The free version allows you to create 30 second videos using their templates and designs. Here is my first attempt using some of the pictures from my trip to Munich in December!

Make your own slideshow with music at Animoto.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

3 A, 3 AM...Eternal

While my body is back in Milan, my mind is certainly stuck in the East Coast, time zone that is.

It took three rather uneventful flights to get from Jacksonville to Milan, and while uneventful is good any time you are in a large object hanging over the ocean there were certainly some interesting points to take note of along the way. First, on the flight from Charlotte to Frankfurt an Italian family sat down in the middle four seats, parents and two small girls. Cute as ever, those little girls. I'm sure one day they'll be embarrassed to discover that mom just dropped their pants in the middle of the airplane to put them in something more comfortable. No big deal, you say, they're little! You're right. Whatever. Oh, but then mom changed right there in her seat too. Thank goodness a blanket was on hand. Next, an American guy in his late 50's sat in the window seat next to me. He sure liked to talk and if anybody has plans to recreate Ocean's 11 and needs a safe cracker, I think I know just the man for you. Lastly, I was semi unconscious by the time I got on the last flight to Milan. I have to be one of the worst sleepers in the world and I slept through most of the flight, except for when they started serving a snack. Of course, you wake up for the food, right? However, I was quickly nauseous as I looked around at a cold pile of mashed potatoes with relish (?) mixed in with a small hot dog/sausage thing and a sweet pickle on top. Scoop it all up with the breadsticks that were included. No thank you. The guy across the aisle ate two. I wanted to vomit just smelling it.

But, luckily I was able to avoid the airplane lavatory and deplaned in Milan. With a hundred pounds of baggage to claim and two carry-ons I was a bit concerned that my "this won't be a problem" attitude would result in a major problem once I was left to manage all the bags on my own. However, I found a cart and wheeled all the baggage and bought a train ticket into the city, so I only had to wheel the bags down a escalator ramp, on and off the train and to a waiting taxi. Twenty one Euros later and I had made it home- very thankful that bringing all my junk back worked out okay.

See all those square utility totes?
Now my shoes, scarves, hats and
 gloves are all nicely organized!
It was like Christmas unpacking it all! I had forgotten what was even in the first bag, since I packed it a few days after Christmas. The entire bottom half was filled with all my thirty-one organizers which probably provided Lori Brown with a very nice holiday season, reaping the benefits off my gigantic purchase! You too can have a well organized closet if you buy six of every item in their catalog!!

After arriving home yesterday I went straight to the grocery store and then unpacked most of my stuff. In hopes of getting back on Milan time, I knew that a nap was not a good idea, so I worked on putting some things away and then had a well deserved glass of Prosecco while chatting with Kate. By 8:00, I was in bed and totally passed out. Of course, one shouldn't expect things to be easy, so naturally I was up at midnight watching NCIS and finishing watching Moneyball, which I had started on the plane, and finished the book I had been reading. At 2 am, I chatted with Becky, who's 8 hours ahead in Okinawa. So, at least my lack of sleep was productive. While awake, I couldn't help but think about the KLF song, 3 AM Eternal from back in the day and praying that I would fall asleep again. Thankfully, at 5:30 I did fall back asleep and slept until 10:30. I made myself get up, knowing full well that I had to try to get on the right time schedule!!

And now, I'm writing this post in an effort to STAY AWAKE just a little longer! Back to work in the morning, so I don't have the luxury of sleeping to all hours if I can't sleep overnight. And, given the crazy noises seemingly coming from the roof of my apartment building, who knows how much sleep is possible. It sounds like a group of construction workers are hammering away on top of our heads!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Home. Sweet. Home.

It is so nice to be home and enjoy all the luxuries that life in the US has to offer. Being able to ask someone a question or respond to someone in the grocery store is something I took for granted before and now have a definite appreciation for how hard it is when you don't speak the language of the country you live in. Many of you know I don't mind speaking up when something doesn't sit right with me, and it has been nice to be able to express my thoughts when I want my friends can attest from our dinner at Jazz'd last week.

Christmas was really great and the fact that my Amazon Wish List was almost completely covered is amazing! Time to add more ideas to the list I suppose! I have stocked up on my Banana Republic clothing collection and am now fully prepared to travel to Paris and London in 2012-- thanks, Rick Steves!
Rick Steves' London 2012Rick Steves' Paris 2012

Anyone care to join me? I. am. not. kidding. Save your pennies people!

Since being home, I've enjoyed spending time with my adorable Ruby, even though I'm clearly second in line for her affection. My mom, of course, being 1st! I know I will miss her when I head back to Milan later this week, but leaving her in Savannah is the right thing to do. She is happy here and doesn't have to spend time alone like she would if I brought her with me to Italy.

Sweet lil' Ruby

But, soon enough, back to reality I must go. I head out Friday and get back to Italy on Saturday...just enough time for the time change to be a killer once I head to work on Monday morning. Here's hoping going forward with the time zone difference is easier than it was going backwards!

I did acquire a Kindle over the holidays and am looking for your book recommendations. I tend to read in spurts, and those spurts occur more often if what I am reading is good! I keep a list of what I've read on Shelfari and I like that they track how many books you read in the course of a year. You can see what I've been reading on the side of this blog, but I'd love to hear your suggestions. Often, I like fluffy books that require no real thinking while reading, but have found an interest in fiction that focuses on different ethnicities and cultures. Suggestions? If you comment on my blog page with a book suggestion, I'll send you a postcard  from an upcoming destination. Just be sure to comment using your name and message me your address through Facebook or if I don't already have it!

Wishing everyone a happy and healthy 2012!!